Shanice Bennerson

About Shanice Bennerson

Shanice believes that quality communication enables communities to thrive. Her specialties include critical policy analysis with a focus on equity, interpreting epistemologies, quantitative data analysis, reporting, survey development, and digital communications.

The Creative Research Solutions team is taking a moment to reflect on our growth as our #BothHands 10-year celebration draws to a close. We are partnering with organizations from across the Atlanta metropolitan area and in cities such as Washington D.C., Detroit, MI, Boston, MA, Jackson, MS, and Oakland, CA. […]

Expanding the Vision

Living and working in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area, Dr. Travis Tatum (President) and Dr. Shanesha Brooks-Tatum (Executive Vice President) witnessed the struggles and successes of businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations as the city attempted to meet the needs of its exponentially growing populace. The Metro Area is home to […]

A Mission-Driven Approach: Creative Research Solutions’ Commitment to Global Change