
Different sectors – academia, government, nonprofit, and for-profit – can learn from each other when it comes to using evaluation and data to facilitate positive change. This is a three-part series on evaluation in the for-profit sector (often called “social impact measurement”). In Part I, we explored what is going […]

Social Impact Measurement, Part III: Do Shoes Equal Impact?

Different sectors – academia, government, nonprofit, and for-profit – can learn from each other when it comes to using evaluation and data to facilitate positive change. This is a three-part series on evaluation in the for-profit sector (often called “social impact measurement”). In Part I, we explored what is going on […]

Social Impact Measurement, Part II: a Fit-For-Purpose Mindset Towards Data

I recently started working with Atlanta-area Evaluation Association, my local AEA affiliate organization.  I will be lending my technical skills to help maintain their website.  If you are an evaluator and live anywhere near Atlanta, check out our upcoming events at!

Web stuff with AaEA